
Stay hungry, Stay foolish.

How Much - David Mead


【另类摇滚】David Mead - How Much


Brett Hartenbach出生于纽约,唱作人,在纳什维尔度过了他大部分的成长岁月,曾在多支乐队担任乐手。1999年发布首张专辑《The Luxury of Time》,汲取了George Gershwin 、Cole Porter to Lennon 、 McCartney 以及 Paul Simon等音乐家的灵感。

《How Much》

suicidal morning,
a pink and purple glow
city's up and yawning,
a blanket made of snow
sentimental movie from many years ago
you don't know how much
i'm gonna miss you

funny seeds from china,
all the fruit of france
mix it up inside you,
it makes you wanna dance
a temporary measure,
the devil in your pants
you don't know how much
i'm gonna miss you

many, many times could we do it again and we did it
every other night we would try it for old time's sake
many, many hearts and they beat with the blood of the city
maybe we could float out a couple of poisoned veins
god is always watching,
he's music in your throat
injured little island,
pink and purple nose
the proof is in the concrete,
stop has turned to go

you don't know how much i'm gonna miss you
you don't know how much i'm gonna miss you
you don't know how much i'm gonna miss you


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